--- Bernd Gruendling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 9:04 Uhr +0200 04.07.2001, Alex Gugel wrote:
> >an SGML/XML comment ends with the following "--" :-)
> At 8:56 Uhr +0200 04.07.2001, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
> >Sun's parser
> >wants to produce localized messages and doesn't find the resources for
> >your language setting (and it wants to tell you that comments must not
> >contain the sequence -- )
> I consider the parser being "debugged" and myself educated. I was
> totally sure an comment ended with "-->" and everything before that
> being ignored by the parser. Done too much HTML?
>From what I can tell, apparently the parser doesn't let you have two
hyphens in a row without them being the two that precede the greater-than
symbol (ie, any two hyphens in a row have to be the beginning of the
comment-close [which seems pretty funky to me]). For example, this chokes:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="test" default="noop">
This is a comment block
<target name="noop"/>
$ ant -f comment.xml
Buildfile: comment.xml
D:\comment.xml:4: Next character must be ">" terminating comment .
Total time: 0 seconds
This doesn't:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="test" default="noop">
This is a comment block
<target name="noop"/>
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