--- Scott Ellsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After looking at the various solutions for including a list of zips, I 
> am looking at modifying the zip task for my own needs.

Gee, I take it this means you didn't care for my Pinot-based solution? :)

> I propose the attribute name "silent-fail-on-missing-source". If there
> is one the committers like better, I am open to suggestions.

I think "quiet" would probably do it (see the Delete task's "quiet" -- it
means don't bark if the file can't be found [or deleted, which in your
case would amount to: be read]).

> I would prefer a "zipfilelist"

You can already do that, so long as all the files in the list come from
the same directory base (ie., if they're all in either the specified dir
or in subdirs of it). I thought your problem was you couldn't have a
generic target, since you couldn't know whether there would even be any
extra files at all -- ie., having a <jar> task that included:
  <zipfileset dir="<whatever>" includes="${extra.zips}"/>
would bomb if "extra.zips" wasn't set to anything. But as it turns out, I
just tried it, and it doesn't bomb, so I think you're already there,
without having to make any changes, assuming you only ever need to list
extra files that come from a common directory. (You could probably add the
"quiet" attr if you wanted to, but I don't think you need to even change
that much -- I just wasn't quite clear [no kidding :)] last night on what
you were actually looking to do.



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