On Wed, 4 Nov 2015 14:32:30 +0000, Sascha Luck [ml] wrote:
>There is a need to be able to reach a resource holder to notify
>them of abuse coming from their network (the abuse-c) or
>technical problems (the tech-c). There is NO need to have the
>street address and phone number of every *person* "who partly
>manages any aspect of a resource" in a public database, just to
>satisfy the curiosity of some curtain-twitcher or give actual
>criminals some data for ID theft purposes.

>From an engineering standpoint you absolutely must have
at least one redundant channel,  with an acknowledgement
mechanism (e.g. registered mail).   But fax is also possible for this
because the receipt is stamped with date/time of reception.   This
is easily monitored for continuing validity using the kind of automated
checks I mentioned recently; no human involvement required at
sending end, only at the receiving end to return the token (manually,
ensuring that someone is actually managing the public resource
in his care).

Jeffrey Race

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