In message <>, 
"Sascha Luck [ml]" <> wrote:

>On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 03:14:54PM +0100, Esa Laitinen wrote:
>>as you seem to have quite a knowledge about this I'm sure you
>>already have an idea on how the data can be up to date. Care to
>I don't think it can be done without turning the NCC into
>something like the NSA and even then I doubt it would be 100%
>Many governments throughout history have tried to have all the
>data they can on their citizens...

I am not persuaded that this is at all a valid or fair comparison.
As a retorical flourish, it is admirable, but as a reasoned
argument against RIPE (or RIPE NCC, or the LIRs) merely checking
the validity of data that is limited to only addresses and phone
numbers... data which is already contractually required to be
correct... I think it is a bit over the top to intimate that
RIPE (or RIPE NCC, or the LIRs) are going to turn into another NSA.

Much to my distress, the NSA knows what I had for breakfast.
(And by the way, I am a staunch defender of Snowden and, since
I have no direct heirs, I plan to leave him whatever assets I
have left when I die... for either his defense or, hopefully, by
that time, merely for his well-deserved comfort back in Hawaii.)

In contrast, my own local city, Roseville, California, knows
next to nothing about me.  The city did somehow aquire my phone
number... I have no idea how... and in over 20 years I believe
that they have used that exactly one time, placing an automated
call to me to warn me about possible local flooding.

I was not (and am not) incensed by that intrusion into my privacy.
Rather, I was somewhat grateful that the city cared enough to call
and give me the heads up.

Mr. Luck, you have expressed the view that you wouldn't mind at
all if the RIPE WHOIS data base became available, in future, only
to paying members.  I'd like to put to you a somehat different

If a formal proposal was put forward to the entire RIPE membership
which proposed that all mailing addresses and phone numbers be
completely removed from the WHOIS data base, would you personally
vote "yea" or "nay" on that proposal?

I am just trying to understand your policy views in toto.


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