On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 09:26:49AM -0500, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
> > Why re-invent the wheel? OpenACS already does this and much more and it's
> > all open source. Take a look at www.openacs.org for more code than you can
> > shake a stick at!
> My experience with OpenACS was that it is much more difficult to develop
> modules for if it's simply going to be an application for inhouse use (not

What?  Why would developing an in-house only app be any harder than
developing one suitable for redistribution to others?  In reality, the
opposite is true.  If you're the only user than you can take shortcuts
and in general things are simpler and easier.

Or did you mean that using OpenACS at all is much more work for you
than not?

There is a sizeable learning curve to taking full advantage of the
OpenACS features.  But, no one's forcing you to take advantage of
them.  You can safely ignore the vast majority of the complexity when
you start out, if you so wish.  Lots of the functionality you just get
for free with basically no effort on your part - user registration,
session management, etc.

I can't imagine it ever being FASTER to build any sizeable application
from scratch with just the plain AOLserver APIs than with OpenACS.
Perhaps a different toolkit would fit your desires better (not that
I'd know why), or you'd not want to use OpenACS for some other reason,
but faster development time with no additional toolkit at all, than
with the OpenACS toolkit?  I don't think so.  That would be a truly
damning indictment of OpenACS if true, but fortunately, it's not even
remotely the case.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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