Bas Scheffers wrote:

I don't see what is so hard about describing all your procedure in a way
similar to Javadocs.

Just because they're not on the site (Dave, what's up with that?) doesn't mean they're not part of our toolkit!

Download and install it and you'll see that the vast majority of procs
*are* described in a way *very* similar to Javadocs.

What we're missing are cookbook-ish style docs that set you through
writing and customizing stuff.

It's a catch 22 situation for the developers;
developers don't like doing docs, but they want as many people as possible
to use it.

Traditionally we've been a very small team of volunteers. However over the last several months the team's been growing steadily and that includes a couple of people who have stepped up to work on documentation, in particular documentation to help people get started.

We have several developers who don't mind doing docs, but that doesn't
mean they always have time doing docs.  While making our stuff available
to as many people as possible is certainly a nice goal, for most of us
our primary goal is to make sure we deliver working websites to our
clients on time.

Personaly, I would prefer a package that does not have and client-facing pages at all, only admin pages and a good API documentation.

Wheels were made to be reinvented, true enough :)

Don Baccus
Portland, OR,,

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