On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 01:09:07PM -0700, Eric Larkin wrote:

> We are pursuing the issue with Oracle and are also working on a patch to the
> nsoracle driver to use some 9i-specific OCI calls in place of the current
> calls (which are deprecated in Oracle 9i).  If this corrects the problem,
> our patched version of nsoracle would be 9i-specific...and I'm not sure
> how/whether we should submit the patch.

The latest, and only maintained, version of the Oracle driver is
nsoracle in SourceForge AOLserver CVS.  Hm, version 2.6 of the Oracle
driver is actually VERY old, at least a year, and probably much older
than that - see below.

You should try the nsoracle head, and if the problem still exists
there, post a patch on SourceFore against it.  Also, if your patch
only works with 9i then you need to #ifdef things so the driver will
build and work correctly for both 8i and 9i.

If the latest nsoracle really does have major memory leaks and your
patch fixes them, your patch is going to be very popular as soon as
more OpenACS users start switching from 8.1.7 (due to be completely
desuported any month now) to 9i.  (Or soon even 10g for that matter!)
OpenACS 5.0 is supposed to support both 8i and 9i, but so far I think
mostly only the people actually working on OpenACS 9i support have
been running OpenACS with 9i.  Once 5.0 is released you will probalby
see many more OpenACS Oracle users start switching to 9i.

$ cvs stat -v ora8.c
File: ora8.c            Status: Up-to-date
   Working revision:    1.10
   Repository revision: 1.10    /cvsroot/aolserver/nsoracle/ora8.c,v
   Existing Tags:
   v2_4                         (revision: 1.2)
   v2_7beta1                    (revision: 1.5)
   v2_6                         (revision: 1.4)
   v2_3                         (revision:
   v2_5                         (revision: 1.3)
   start                        (revision:
   scottg                       (branch: 1.1.1)

$ cvs log ora8.c

revision 1.10
date: 2003/04/09 14:08:02;  author: jcdlondon;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -1
ignore error return 1405 for LONGs which are NULL (as in the oracle data dictionary)

revision 1.4
date: 2002/10/03 20:05:58;  author: scottg;  state: Exp;  lines: +33 -11
Applied 2.6.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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