
> You should try the nsoracle head, and if the problem still exists
> there, post a patch on SourceFore against it.  Also, if your patch
> only works with 9i then you need to #ifdef things so the driver will
> build and work correctly for both 8i and 9i.

Thanks.  If we do end up making a patch, we make against the head and will
use #ifdef to make it backward-compatible with 8i.

However, I should note that while the new OCI functions can be used in a
backward-compatible fashion, they also offer new functionality that it may
be worth making available within AOLserver eventually.  For example, the new
function OCIStmtFetch2 (which replaces OCIStmtFetch) has a new "Offset"
input which allows you to retrieve out-of-order rows from a result set.
If/when the driver is extended (by us or someone else) to support the new
functionality, it may be tricky to maintain a single version of the source
for both 8i and 9i.

> If the latest nsoracle really does have major memory leaks and your
> patch fixes them...

Just to be clear, we are pretty sure the leak is in the Oracle client, not
the nsoracle driver.  The only reason to patch the driver would be to switch
from deprecated OCI calls (which may be leaky in their 9i implementation) to
the latest and greatest Oracle-approved OCI calls (which might be less

Eric Larkin
Chief Technology Officer
Arena Solutions

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