On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 03:37:46PM -0700, Eric Larkin wrote:

> If/when the driver is extended (by us or someone else) to support the new
> functionality, it may be tricky to maintain a single version of the source
> for both 8i and 9i.

Mm.  I don't maintain the nsoracle driver (I think Jeff Davis
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has been doing so), although I'm slightly
familiar with the code.  Maybe Jeff or whomever else is maintaining it
would like to fork it into separate 8i and 9i versions, you could ask
him.  Or maybe all the 8i users will just go away sometime in the next
year or so as everyone finally upgrades, I dunno.

> Just to be clear, we are pretty sure the leak is in the Oracle client, not
> the nsoracle driver.  The only reason to patch the driver would be to switch
> from deprecated OCI calls (which may be leaky in their 9i implementation) to

Oh, thanks, good point.  But the effect is still the same, a leaky
AOLserver.  :)

Are you using the latest 9i?  I heard some of the early 9i versions
were quite bad, stability problems, etc.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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