
I think this question might have been asked recently, there a
project maintainer for the nsoracle driver?  We have encountered a problem
with the use of this driver with an Oracle 9i client which may involve a
source-code patch which would make the new version 9i specific.  Here are
the details:

Arena has been testing the Oracle 9i client software (v9.2.0.1) in
conjunction with version 2.6 of the nsoracle driver (the 9i client is
required to take advantage of 9i-specific SQL syntax).  Our testing has
uncovered a fairly severe memory leak in the 9i client (it looks very much
like some memory loss occurs with each database transaction - we have some
cool graphs showing the rate of memory loss increasing and decreasing with
traffic).  There is no memory leak when the same driver is compiled with the
Oracle 8i client software (v8.1.7.0).

We are pursuing the issue with Oracle and are also working on a patch to the
nsoracle driver to use some 9i-specific OCI calls in place of the current
calls (which are deprecated in Oracle 9i).  If this corrects the problem,
our patched version of nsoracle would be 9i-specific...and I'm not sure
how/whether we should submit the patch.


Eric Larkin
Chief Technology Officer
Arena Solutions

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