On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 12:56 -0400, Nathan Folkman wrote:
> Makes sense... Is there anything preventing you from adding some code  
> to implement this logic yourself, on top of a "vanilla" AOLserver  
> with something like the ns_gzip module?

There is nothing preventing me from doing it, but it seems like one hell
of a great feature that is better done as a feature rather than a hack.

I don't see a need for the static file compression to be part of the
server core itself.  There's no sense in repeatedly compressing the same
content over and over, even if aolserver caches it afterward.  I just
occasionally run console script that recursively goes through all the
html, js and css files under the pageroot and creates an alternate .gz
file in the same location.

At the moment I am using Tux to do it.  It listens for http requests at
the kernel level and responds accordingly.  If it is unable to serve the
requested content, it passes the request to aolserver which is listening
on localhost.


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