I'm currently away on vacation this week (in Ocean City, MD) and writing long 
emails on the Treo isn't exactly fun, so I'll keep this short:

1. It's my fault that 4.5 has the pools/limits functionality. I didn't do a 
good enough job communicating to everyone about the change. I haven't done a 
good enough job organizing the direction of the project in general. I'm very 
sorry about this.

2. 4.5 is a major dot-release from 4.0.  Matter of fact, we skipped 4.1--4.4 to 
indicate the magnitude of change that the 4.5 release tree will represent. We 
are long overdue for significant technical improvements to AOLserver. I, 
however, do not want this to leave people behind. In time, I do hope to see 
both a migration guide and backwards compat. code to be authored to ease 
transition.  4.5.0 is really bleeding edge--sorry.

3. This project really could use more contributors. Especially a semi-serious 
tech. writer would be a huge help. How do you attract a tech. writer to 
contribute to an open source project? Suggestions?

I'll go through all the good suggestions and comments in this email thread when 
I'm back in front of a real keyboard, but I didn't want my silence to appear as 
indifference in the matter: I care a great deal and really think if we can get 
people excited again, we can start seeing real progress.

-- Dossy

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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