But did the community at large? Were these roadmaps and experiments only
discussed internally @ AOL?  Again, I want to _encourage_ you guys to
make these changes; I just want to know when they're happening and have
some idea of why.

Thanks --
-- ReC

-----Original Message-----
From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Nathan Folkman
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] configured minthreads, maxthreads doesnt show
up with [ns_server threads] command

Simple answer - don't upgrade to 4.5. As I was trying to explain
before, we knew some things in 4.5 would not be backwards compatible.

> > Nathan,
> >
> > This has to be the most bizzar change to the configuration setup for
> > AOLserver, is it really true? Now you have to execute commands
inside the
> > config file to set this?
> This is absolutely crazy.  The init file has never required dynamic
> execution of procs to work, and to have something this basic as an
> exception is nuts.
> Not to mention that breaking every bloody site's config file in the
> process is  rather rude.
> Some of us still use AOLserver for production sites, hard as that is
> believe.
> Was there community discussion of this change before it was
> It represents a huge change in configuration philosophy.
> Who's bright idea was this?
> --
> AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/
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Nathan Folkman

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