Don Baccus wrote:
On Apr 12, 2008, at 8:46 AM, Brett Schwarz wrote:

For *my* application, I would have the config params do the decision almost all of the time. However, I concede that other people's use cases may be I think a hook into the compression decision making from application code is a good idea. I believe what I proposed covers the bases...although the details would need to be worked out...

I agree with this, too.

Tying in with a different thread, my suggestion for an improvement would be to ship AOLserver should with (or alongside) a standard/sample library that is intended to be looked at and tweaked (the standard library that ships currently is boilerplate). This standard library could include a filter proc to call 'ns_conn gzip 1' (or however it is exposed at the tcl level) based on the config file setting.

Another thing to include in this standard library could be compatibility code for the old thread configuration directives mapping them onto the new 4.5 thread configuration commands.


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