Great, thank you. Comments are inline below.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Arink Verma <> wrote:
> Please see this new version if it solve problem,
> Change log
> *Setting of language title accorrding to locale
Great, I tried switching between English and Japanese and it properly
switches now.

> *Auto installation of language pairs if copied to <Base DIR>/jars directory
> *internationalise for French and Spanish
> *Caching of svn list
> *Changed <Install from SVN> to <Install from Internet>

> *Disabling of cache has been removed from CrashRecovery, instead added email
> address to contact
Good, I did see that because unfortunately English <-> Spanish still
crashed on me again.
Also, on the "Install from Internet" screen, if I hit "Reload", I get
a popup: "Error:
/mnt/sdcard/apertium/temp (Is a directory)"

-- Stephen

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