El 2019-04-12 08:17, Sushain Cherivirala escribió:
Hi Mikel,

Unfortunately, the certificate expired a couple weeks ago. I chatted
with Fran a couple
days ago and attempted to fix it. However, the Let's Encrypt client
software doesn't work
well with the old version of Debian installed on xixona and I don't
have access to perform
any detailed debugging or figure out how to install an older version
of the software and
prevent it from self-updating again (there's a cron that renews the
cert but also by default
updates the software).

My simple suggestion was to remove the line in the Apache config that
redirects http to
https, at least preventing the site from being entirely unusable. IMO,
the preferable option
is just to redirect apertium.org [1]'s DNS entries to Tino's projectjj
server (already used by
beta.apertium.org [2]). Then, Fran, myself and others can make sure we
don't end up here
again since we'll have direct access.


Stanford University, M.S. in Computer Science '19
Carnegie Mellon University, B.S. in Computer Science '18

(713) 992-4043 | www.skc.name [3]

On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 11:56 PM Mikel L. Forcada <m...@dlsi.ua.es>

Dear all,

When trying to access apertium.org [1] from the Universitat
browsers suggest that you should not do it because it is not a
site. Also, when using the Apertium web server from inside OmegaT, a

security error pops up. I don't know if I can do anything myself,
anyone know how to solve this?

I tried acme.sh but it didn't work (see the IRC logs)

I managed to turn off the SSL redirect, but translation is not
working via the website. Although at least it now appears.


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