El 2019-09-04 17:39, Zanga Chimombo escribió:
Will do shortly although there's not much as I am just getting
started. I have seen the pipeline in the modes.xml file so I will also
pick through that. Thanks!

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 6:35 PM Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> wrote:

El 2019-09-04 10:51, Zanga Chimombo escribió:
> I am following the instructions at the How_to_bootstrap_a_new_pair and
> The_quick_and_dirty_guide_to_making_a_new_language_pair wikis using
> HFST for both languages. After a bit of tweaking the following test
> command in the bilingual directory works:
> echo “Houses” | apertium -d . XXX-YYY
> Casas
> echo “Casas” | apertium -d . YYY-XXX
> Houses
> I then attempted to follow the instructions at the
> Lexc_and_flag_diacritics_for_prefix_tagging wiki in order to manage
> the prefixing. The tests above continue to work (I didn’t remove their
> respective lines from the .lexc files). However, none of the new noun
> roots work. E.g.
> echo “Abambo” | apertium -d . XXX-YYY
> * Abambo
> echo “Acibaba” | apertium -d . YYY-XXX
> * Acibaba
> When I run a few hfst commands in each monolingual directory, however,
> it shows that the required reordering of the POS tags is working. E.g.
>     echo “Abambo” | hfst-proc -w XXX.automorph.hfst
> ^Abambo/bambo<n><pl>$
>     echo “Acibaba” | hfst-proc -w YYY.automorph.hfst
> ^Acibaba/baba<n><pl>$
> To continue debugging, I would like to go step by step through the
> rest of the translation pipeline in order to pinpoint where the
> problem is (using hfst-proc instead of lt-proc as defined in modes.xml
> file)! However, there are no *.hfst files in the XXX-YYY bilingual
> directory! And when I try:
> echo “Acibaba” | hfst-proc -w YYY-XXX.automorf.bin
> I get the following error:
> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'TransducerHasWrongTypeException'
> How do I generate *.hfst files in the XXX-YYY bilingual directory? Or,
> what is it that I am missing?

Dear Zanga,

Could you direct us to a location (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) where we could
download your code and try it out? It would be much easier to debug.



You probably also want to look at the Makefile.am in that package
and in other packages that use HFST.


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