New versions of core tools have been published in the past months, but no
announcement made yet. They are:
- cg3 1.3.1
- hfst 3.15.1
- lttoolbox 3.5.1
- apertium 3.6.1
- apertium-lex-tools 0.2.3
- apertium-separable 0.3.3
- apertium-anaphora 0.0.4
- apertium-recursive 0.0.1
- apertium-all-dev 3.6.1 (split from apertium)

Common changes are removal of Python 2 support, mostly by converting
scripts to Python 3. And consolidated metalrx and other helpers into
apertium itself, which the packages below take advantage of.

Lots of languages and pairs were released in the past 3 weeks, as per :
- apertium-ron 1.0.0
- apertium-ita 0.10.5
- apertium-por 0.2.0
- apertium-spa 1.2.0
- apertium-cat 2.8.0
- apertium-eng 0.1.0
- apertium-oci 0.2.0
- apertium-fra 1.7.0
- apertium-afr 0.2.0
- apertium-nld 0.2.0
- apertium-ind 0.2.0
- apertium-zlm 0.2.0
- apertium-ron-cat 1.0.0
- apertium-eng-cat 1.0.0 (was en-ca)
- apertium-cat-ita 0.2.1 (was ca-it)
- apertium-por-cat 0.9.0 (was pt-ca)
- apertium-spa-cat 2.2.0
- apertium-oci-fra 0.3.0
- apertium-fra-cat 1.7.0
- apertium-afr-nld 0.3.0 (was af-nl)
- apertium-ind-zlm 0.1.2 (was id-ms)

All those packages have been updated to use pkg-config for core tool
dependencies, and had their contact email set to the apertium-stuff mailing
list. The pairs pushed to Release repo and Debian now bundles the single
language dependencies to avoid drift ( ) - this requires
a change in to mark which exact version of a given single
language the release depends on.

A representative diff of desired changes is what happened to

Nordic packages are waiting a slight bit longer for Unhammer to certify
current state. Tracking those in

-- Tino Didriksen
Apertium-stuff mailing list

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