Hola Helena,

Tens regles de selecció lèxica per a "estació" en el parell
apertium-fra-cat. Pots mirar el fitxer apertium-fra-cat.cat-fra.metalrx. Si
afines les regles per a l'anglès, pots també fer-ho en aquests al francès
:) I si et cal algun aclariment més, no dubtis a preguntar.


Missatge de egea piñeiro helena <helena.e...@rai.usc.es> del dia dc., 1
d’abr. 2020 a les 11:48:

> Hello!
> I'm working on eng-cat and spa-cat dictionaries trying to find a way to
> avoid lexical selection. I mean, in such an example as this one:
> ^El<det><def><mf><sg>/The<det><def><mf><sg>$ ^*estació<n><f><sg>/season*
> *<n><sg>/station*<n><sg>$ ^més<adv>/more<adv>$
> ^plujós<adj><f><sg>/rainy<adj><sint><f><sg>$
> ^ser<vbser><pri><p3><sg>/be<vbser><pri><p3><sg>$
> ^el<det><def><mf><sg>/the<det><def><mf><sg>$ ^estiu<n><m><sg>/summer<n><sg>$
> How to show the text translated with the multiple options due to polisemy.
> "The *season/station* more rainy is...."
> Also, to study this, I'm trying to find out how to make some changes on
> the lexical rules (.lrx files) and see an actual change on the output, but
> the commands through the pipeline doesn't seem to refer to that file. All
> that I can change to test different polisemy cases are the 'srl' and 'lrs'
> on the dictionary  ammong the 'D' option (default). I assumed the
> autloex.bin somehow called the lrx file but I don't know for sure and I
> couldn't find information so far.
> echo "L'estació més plujosa és l'estiu" | lt-proc -w
> '/usr/share/apertium/apertium-eng-cat/cat-eng.automorf.bin' | cg-proc -w
> '/usr/share/apertium/apertium-eng-cat/cat-eng.rlx.bin' | apertium-tagger -g
> $2 '/usr/share/apertium/apertium-eng-cat/cat-eng.prob' |
> apertium-pretransfer| lsx-proc
> '/usr/share/apertium/apertium-eng-cat/cat-eng.autosep.bin' | lt-proc -b
> '/usr/share/apertium/apertium-eng-cat/cat-eng.autobil.bin' |* lrx-proc -m
> -t '/usr/share/apertium/apertium-eng-cat/cat-eng.autolex.bin' *
> Thanks!
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