I believe the multitrans script in lex-tools (
https://github.com/apertium/apertium-lex-tools) makes it possible to get
all versions of the translation by expanding the dictionary and skipping
lexical selection.  So you'd get two sentences output for this particular

- The season is more rainy....
- The station is more rainy....


On Fri, Apr 3, 2020, 09:00 Kevin Brubeck Unhammer <unham...@fsfe.org> wrote:

> Jaume Ortolà i Font
> <jaumeort...@gmail.com> čálii:
> > Missatge de egea piñeiro helena <
> helena.egea-tryufelddafe5aofshc...@public.gmane.org> del dia dc., 1
> > d’abr. 2020 a les 10:48:
> >
> >> How to show the text translated with the multiple options due to
> polisemy.
> >> "The *season/station* more rainy is...."
> >>
> >
> > This is a recurrent request, that could be useful in some applications,
> but
> > there is no way to do it in Apertium now.
> You can make a new pipeline that splits into separate lexical units
> instead of disambiguating. There's an example for eng-ita at
> http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Translate_without_disambiguation
> Basically, replace cg-proc+apertium-tagger
> #!/usr/bin/python3
> import streamparser,sys
> for (b, lu) in streamparser.parse_file(sys.stdin,with_text=True):
>  print(b+"[/]".join(["^"+streamparser.reading_to_string(r)+"$" for r in
> lu.readings]),end="")'
> and replace lrx-proc with
> #!/usr/bin/python3
> import streamparser,sys
> for (b, lu) in streamparser.parse_file(sys.stdin, with_text=True):
>   print(b +
> "[/]".join(["^"+lu.wordform+"/"+streamparser.reading_to_string(r)+"$" for r
> in lu.readings]), end="")'
> in your pipeline and you get slash-separated alternatives.
> Of course, this won't get handled correctly by transfer (transfer will
> see e.g. several nouns in a row where there was one source noun), but if
> all you want is to send all alternatives through, it may be Good Enough
> for some purposes (e.g. testvoc, or MT for language learning).
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