No worries I'll look into this. Can you send the input sentences? I want to see 
the transfer rules that are applying to the erroneous parts. They might need 
some changing.

तन्मय खन्ना
Tanmai Khanna

From: Hèctor Alòs i Font <hectora...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 11:57:16 AM
To: [apertium-stuff] <apertium-stuff@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Apertium-stuff] Update about superblanks in transfer

Unfortunately, I found a lot of problems cased by superblanks, especially with 
the handling of hyphens. See a couple of differences in translations of my 
French test corpus into Arpitan before and after the update:

< 00607. Tandis que les Tétes Broulâyes sont en *permission sur *Espritos 
Marcos, tomba amouerox de Yvonne, una Franco-Japonêsa.
> 00607. Tandis que les Tétes Broulâyes sont en *permission sur *Espritos 
> Marcos, tomba amouerox de Yvonne, una- Franco Japonêsa.

< 00748. On povêt per ègzemplo parlar, sot Charlo-lo-Pelâ, de la "*foresta" des 
pêrches de la Sêna.
> 00748. On povêt per ègzemplo parlar, sot Charlo-lo- Pelâ, de la "*foresta" 
> des pêrches de la Sêna.


Missatge de Tanmai Khanna 
<khanna.tan...@gmail.com<mailto:khanna.tan...@gmail.com>> del dia ds., 29 d’ag. 
2020 a les 16:50:
Hey guys!
The wordbound blanks project handles blanks that are supposed to be reordered. 
Therefore, we no longer need the user to be worried about blank positions in 
transfer rules. The latest update to the apertium code makes it such that <b 
pos="X"/> is now the same as <b/> . You can change the <b pos="X"/> in your 
transfer rules to just <b/> and it'll work.

Now, the only thing you need to worry about when writing transfer rules is 
whether you want a blank between the two LUs or not. Input blanks will be 
stored as a queue and will be printed in order in all available <b/> spots in 
the rule output.

- If the output rule has more blank spots than input blanks, then the remaining 
blank spots will be spaces.
- If the output rule has less blank spots than input blanks, then the remaining 
input blanks will be output after the rule output.
- If the input blank is an empty string, it is stored as a space.

In some transfer rules, there are input patterns which don't have a space 
between them. In the output section of these transfer rules, <b pos="1"/> used 
to give an empty string, but it will now give a space. To remove the blank from 
the output, you will need to remove the <b pos="1"/> from the transfer rule and 
it will be fine.

Here are some examples from the tests.


[blank1] ^worda<det>/wordta<det>$ ;[blank2]; ^wordb<adj>/wordtb<adj>$ [blank3]; 
 ^hun<n><acr>/ho<n><acr>$ [blank4]

There's no <b/> in rule output, so all blanks are after flushed after rule 


[blank1] ^test1<adj>{^wordta<det>$^wordtb<adj>$^ho<n><acr>$}$ ;[blank2];  
[blank3];   [blank4]


[blank1] ^wordb<adj>/wordtb<adj>$ ;[blank2]; ^worda<det>/wordta<det>$ [blank3]; 
 ^hun<n><acr>/ho<n><acr>$ [blank4]

There's one <b/> in rule output, so it prints one and flushes the rest.


[blank1] ^test1<det>{^wordta<det>$ ;[blank2]; ^ho<n><acr>$}$ [blank3];   

This has been implemented for the chunker, interchunk, and postchunk.

If you have any questions, suggestions, comments, etc., I'll be happy to 
respond to them.

Thanks and Regards,
तन्मय खन्ना
Tanmai Khanna
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