
@John as suggested I used the configparser module and as it turns out we do
have a problem with using it. Actually in the config files at present the
default section is represented by an empty string (for e.g. in
/etc/apparmor/easyprof.conf ), but configparser needs a none empty section
header and hence raises an Error for the same.

I think we should change the format and hence default section headers
should be something like [DEFAULT] instead of an empty string.

Also, the order in which the config parser writes to output file is random
(expected of a dictionary) and not sorted.


Kshitij Gupta

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've setup the wiki page for the project [
> http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Profile_Management_Tools], it'd be
> nice if some-one could just scroll through the page. I'll update the blog
> link once, I have an initial post ready for the project.
> @Christian please add your profile link with your name and maybe your IRC
> nick too.
> @John , @Christian also you can fill out the schedule for weekly meetings.
> The updated config.py using the ConfigParser module will also be updated
> in a few hours.
> Regards,
> Kshitij Gupta
> --
> The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the
> intelligent are full of doubt.
> Bertrand Russell
> --
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Christian Boltz <appar...@cboltz.de>wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Am Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013 schrieb Kshitij Gupta:
>>> > @Christian First off, what mail client do you use? I'd like to be able
>>> > to have my replies like you all do.
>>> Nearly every mail client supports this style to reply (even Outlook ;-)
>>> The main "trick" is to insert your reply in the middle of the quoted
>>> mail instead of typing at the first line.
>>> I'm using KMail, but the current version has some known issues caused by
>>> the switch to Akonadi and Nepomuk. If you want to use KMail, make sure
>>> to have the latest KDE version to see less bugs ;-)
>>> Thunderbird might be another option. It's the mail client I usually
>>> recommend to windows users ;-)  (because they can't use KMail)
>>> Ahh, that trick's pretty neat. I'm on GNOME though I have the KMail app.
>> I'll give it a shot. :-) Meanwhile, lets see if the "trick" works on Gmail.
>> ;-)
>> > Back to topic at hand, the config wrapper has two additional functions
>>> > besides the read and write (which also sets the permissions for the
>>> > profiles). So, for the time being I'll keep redo the config file with
>>> > the configprofiler module and if later on I can rather easily do-away
>>> > with the config library file if its not needed (though I'll note down
>>> > this point because I might forget it later on).
>>> OK, additional functions are a good argument for a wrapper.
>> > Okay, I'll go through the roadmap once again and then setup the
>>> > wikipage for my roadmap. (Any naming ideas for the wikipage?)
>>> Why not just something simple like "Profile generation tools"?
>>> That said, the page name is not too important - and we can still
>>> move/rename the page if we find a better name ;-)
>>> > Also, a
>>> > new name for the library tools package (If we're moving away from
>>> > Immunix)? ;-)
>>> I'd just use "AppArmor".
>>> Okay, I'll have some content from my proposal moved over to a wiki page
>> as soon as possible.
>>>  > As, for the code review John went into the docstrings and comments
>>> > which I quite agree too, since Python code in general is pretty
>>> > readable in general so a few explanatory comments should be
>>> > sufficient. But I suppose a few lines of docstring will not harm (and
>>> Comments and documentation never harm, and having a short summary of
>>> what a function does and how to call it is always helpful.
>>> There's nothing wrong with reading the source, but for a quick overview
>>> a good comment is quite helpful ;-)
>>> > will be useful when importing the modules, since AppArmor.py will be
>>> > pretty long).
>>> That sounds like you might want to split it into several files ;-)
>>> That is going to be the hardest part I imagine, so breaking down that
>> file reasonably is a good idea. I plan to get started with it by the next
>> week. (Had been off the work for the last couple of days)
>>> > I'll take that the coding style for those few lines was
>>> > okay to everyone?  ;-)
>>> Yes :-)
>>> > I think I love the blogpost about the weekly progress idea, so
>>> > hopefully I'll try to follow that (Does anyone want me to setup a new
>>> > blog for the sole-purpose?).
>>> Just use your existing blog - it will give you some additional readers,
>>> and if you are lucky, they'll stay for more than the GSoC period.
>>>  Yeah, I could use some readers and get regular with blogging. :-)
>>>  > Looks good enough to me, I'll setup my IRC client for that. We have a
>>> > variety of timezones (mine being UTC+5:30), though gladly I don't
>>> > quite have issues with time since, I spend much of my day (and night)
>>> > near my computer. :-D
>>> I'd say we can probably meet in what you call "night" and I call
>>> "evening" ;-)
>> The time of the monthly AppArmor meetings is 20:00 UTC, which might be a
>>> bit too late for you (it would start at 1:30 in your timezone if my
>>> calculation is right).
>> If you like IRC discussions after midnight, we can do the weekly
>>> meetings at 20:00 UTC, but 18:30 or 19:00 UTC would also be possible for
>>> me. Would that work better for you?
>>> @John: what about you?
>>> For our weekly meetings, I'm perfectly okay with anything around 19:00
>> since I dont expect the discussions to last over 2-3 hours, which isnt that
>> late given my routine.
>>> > I'll try to be present in the next meeting. BTW, anything on the
>>> > agenda requiring my presence?
>>> Not yet ;-) but often we discuss more things than initially planned, and
>>> those discussions that typically start with a "BTW" can be quite
>>> interesting ;-)
>>> @John no, you dont need to move the schedule for the AppArmor meeting,
>> I'll be available at that time. :-)
>>>  > @Christian Sorry for the sig, I wasnt aware of the extra space and I'm
>>> No problem ;-)
>>> > glad you liked my first sig. :-) I'll probably build myself a
>>> > collection of those too.
>>> If you are interested in the scripts I'm using:
>>>     http://cboltz.de/en/linux/zufallssig/
>>> Nothing magic, but it can save you from re-inventing the wheel ;-)
>> Actually, I was gonna script that myself. But I'll probably I'll put that
>> off until later and use that. :-)
>>  Regards,
>> Kshitij Gupta
>>> Regards,
>>> Christian Boltz
>> --
>>> > bei Bernd ist alles Zufall.
>>> Glaubst Du nicht, dass da Kristallkugel.pl zugeschlagen hat? Ich bin mir
>>> sicher, dass Bernd sowas auf seinem Rechner hat ;-)
>>> [> Michael Schulz u. Manfred Tremmel über Bernd Brodesser in suse-linux]
>>> --
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