The IETF disclosure statement is here.

The important stuff is copied below.

If this standard is adopted, Cisco will not assert any patents owned or 
controlled by Cisco against any party for making, using, selling, importing or 
offering for sale a product that implements the standard, provided, however 
that Cisco retains the right to assert its patents (including the right to 
claim past royalties) against any party that asserts a patent it owns or 
controls (either directly or indirectly) against Cisco or any of Cisco's 
affiliates or successors in title or against any products of Cisco or any 
products of any of Cisco's affiliates either alone or in combination with other 
products; and Cisco retains the right to assert its patents against any product 
or portion thereof that is not necessary for compliance with the standard.

Royalty-bearing licenses will be available to anyone who prefers that option.


[] On Behalf Of Bill Ver Steeg 
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 12:15 PM
To: Simon Barber; Hironori Okano -X (hokano - AAP3 INC at Cisco);;
Cc: Rong Pan (ropan); Preethi Natarajan (prenatar)
Subject: Re: [Bloat] FQ-PIE kernel module implementation

The legal answer is "read the IPR disclosure at the IETF" and "read the copy 
write notice in the code".

I think that you will like what you find, though....... The broad intent is to 
fix the bloat problem in as many places as possible.

Bill VerSteeg

[] On Behalf Of Simon Barber
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2015 8:03 PM
To: Hironori Okano -X (hokano - AAP3 INC at Cisco);<>;<>
Cc: Rong Pan (ropan); Preethi Natarajan (prenatar)
Subject: Re: [Bloat] FQ-PIE kernel module implementation

Very cool. Does this mean that Cisco are not planning on enforcing any IP 
rights over PIE?

On 6/4/2015 3:06 PM, Hironori Okano -X (hokano - AAP3 INC at Cisco) wrote:
Hi all,

I'm Hironori Okano and Fred's intern.
I'd like to let you know that I have implemented FQ-PIE as a linux kernel 
module "fq-pie" and iproute2 for fq-pie.
This was done in collaboration with others at Cisco including Fred Baker, Rong 
Pan, Bill Ver Steeg, and Preethi Natarajan.

The source codes are in my github repository. I attached patch file 
"fq-pie_patch.tar.gz" to this email also.
I'm using the latest linux kernel 

fq-pie kernel module

iproute2 for fq-pie

If you have any comments, please reach out to me.

Best regards,

Hironori Okano<>


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