Goodness!  I guess that perverse minds think alike!  On the E I have my
e-mail reader, on F my FAX software [plus WordStar and a few other
things], on H is Hardware, with all the flash updates, doc files, etc
and L is Languages.  K is "keep away from me" <G> some of the kid's
backup programs, DOS 6.22 archives, etc.  And all my drives are kept
below that 120+ line for the exact same reason.

If we're not careful, people will think we're at least superficially
organized. <MBG>


On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 22:27:34 +0100 (MET), Bernie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Roger Turk wrote:
>> The drive letters don't make any difference.

> They do in the case that we can then conclude that it's rather much that
> needs to be copied (often true, it might not be). In my case ca 6GB.
> However even the LAN idea was to slow using this method (and it didn't work
> anyway - using move instead might have worked) so I removed partitions in
> FDISK after xcopying everything over.

>> I limit the size of my logical drives to less than 125 MB to get the benefit
>> of minimal sized clusters.  I also have the logical drives set up based on
>> useage, D: is CAD, E: is WordPerfect, F: is FoxPro, etc., so that the
> drive's
>> FAT contains only data/files pertinent to that drive.

> I've got the same set up (one drive letter for each thing), unfortunately
> only P(rogramming) and I(nternet) are even close to beeing like I intended.
> I have for instance no idea what-so-ever on what Q has for files ;)
> For instance I think I've got Turbo Pascal on 3 diffrent drives (diffrent
> installs and versions).
> //Bernie
> DOS programs, Star Wars ...

-- Arachne V1.60;b1, NON-COMMERCIAL copy,

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