>Not necessarily - I wasnt able to get into that site with Arachne,
however LYNX-386 (on DOS, anyway) managed to get trough ok.. not that
it mattered since that site was filled with tons of little images
without ALT tags, and you know how good it looks like on a text
browser.. :P

What version of Lynx-386 were you using.  Beginning with 2.8.3, Lynx offers the
ability to download images, including inline, or view separate from the main
document, in combination with a graphic viewer like DISPLAY or PICTVIEW.

I have met a few Web sites that refused to allow access to anything less than
Netscape or MSIE 4 or higher, including one anti-death-penalty site whose URL I
don't remember.  But a "Not Found" message would likely convince the Internet
user that the page isn't there, rather than convincing the user to upgrade to
the latest and greatest bloatware.

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