L.d wrote:
>DOS requires that there
>be NO space " cd.. " whereas Linux requires that there *MUST BE* a space
>used in "cd .." for it to work.  

Not true, Linux requires that there's a space, but DOS works either way.
However a path in a program will require that there's no space regardless
of OS (well it might work anyway but that's beside the point).

>That alone is reason enough to always
>use complete URLs when coding one's pages.

It is? They (diffrent OS) always use the same one so there's no point in
making it like that. And a dynamic URL is better if you move it (and when
you test the pages). One of the most common misstakes (except HTML errors)
is to use a static URL that points to your HD. "It works in Explorer on my
computer - perhaps you should get that instead of [insert name of other
browser]." IMNSHO people like that should get another HTML editor instead.

>And I *never* link to graphics that aren't on
>my own server in my own shell site. <G> That's a guaranteed good way to
>make enemies.

It is? I always prefer that way since it's faster. If someone goes to a
page with the same image on it will be loaded from the cache instead of
downloaded again - "Netscape Now" images that were so popular in the
infancy of the WWW is a prime example of where you could save a lot.
Of course copying someones entire image/picture gallerys is another thing.
http://bernie.arachne.cz/ DOS programs, Star Wars ...

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