I wish we could find out ...

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 05:21:56 -0400, "Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sometimes I have found URL's that are incorrectly written. For example:
> "some/ /where" ought to be "some/where" or "some/../picture" instead of
> "some/picture".
> I wonder if these errors are indicative of particular webpage design
> progs, or if it's just human error?

But since redirects [like the original page in question] are normally
set to NOCACHE, it's a bit difficult to catch them and check to see what
generator was used to write them.  However, there is a chance that the
new page was written by the same person & the same generator was used --
so we could keep stats in that manner.

One problem is that Linux and DOS handle the double dot [ ..  for one
level up in directory structure] differently.  DOS requires that there
be NO space " cd.. " whereas Linux requires that there *MUST BE* a space
used in "cd .." for it to work.  That alone is reason enough to always
use complete URLs when coding one's pages.  About the only time I don't
use a 'full address' in my page code is for graphics -- and that is
because the few graphics I use are kept in the directory where the page
that uses them resides.  And I *never* link to graphics that aren't on
my own server in my own shell site. <G> That's a guaranteed good way to
make enemies.


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