Ron wrote:
>   Here's one that's driving me nuts! I type the following URL into
>Arachne 1.66:
>   ...and here's what happens: The 'k' gets removed from '' and
>then I get the error screen saying that it can't connect. The first few
>times it did it, I thought that I was going (more) bonkers.
>   I can search for the name of the company on Google and it comes up
>with that URL. Even if I click on the link that Google shows, I get the
>same answer.
>   Please, someone, put me out of my misery. What am I doing wrong? And
>how can I get onto the site in question?

I will not put you out of your missery - but the reason (as is farely
easily noticed) is that Arachne doesn't have room for more than 40 chars in
a host-name.

In case you are interested in some (current?) limitations:
Protocol -   9
User     -  40
Password -  16
Host     -  40
File     - 256

So I guess some very lengthy URLs woun't work, but I can't remember seeing
an URL that stretches over 3 rows so I guess it hasn't been reported yet ;-)

In the mean time (or perhaps this wwill stay as it is) you might be able to
access the server in question with:
But I haven't tried so myself so don't take it as any truth - just an
educated guess.
//Bernie DOS programs, Star Wars ...

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