Glenn wrote:
> Yes, this is a bug in Arachne.
>I just tracked it all the way back to v1.20x (the Christmas 1997 release)

But why does this matter? The problem exists now so we need to fix it now
(if it had worked in some earlier 1.6x that would have been a diffrent thing).

>The problem does not exist in v1.20p or any version before that.
>Bernie and Clarence,
>Any ideas as to where we should look in SRC code to fix this one??? ;-)

You are a bit late <g>, and it's in URL.H, however increasing the size just
a few bytes (to say 50 instead of 40) will probably result in a much larger
memory usage than just those 10 bytes.

BTW: I'll try and remember to upload those files you wnated before the weekend.
//Bernie DOS programs, Star Wars ...

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