On Thu, 21 Sep 2000 22:39:08 +0200, Bernie wrote:

> Host software MUST handle host names of up to 63 characters
> and SHOULD handle host names of up to 255 characters.

Well, how about supported *both* ? ;-)

> So I guess this will need to be changed in Arachne (but I think
> 63 "should be enough for everyone").

Instead of pre-defining a static string space, how about replacing
it with a dynamic buffer?  Something like

  #include <alloc.h>
  char *hostname = malloc(41);

IMHO, this will keep memory usage as low as possible.  Whenever
the URL parser encountering a hostname that longer than 40 chars,
then it could increase the string space to either 63 or 255 as

  if (hostlen > 40 && hostlen <= 63)
    hostname = realloc(hostname,64);
  else if (hostlen > 63 && hostlen <= 255)
    hostname = realloc(hostname,256);
    die(); // giving up, violating RFC

Add error/repetitive handling codes as needed of course, a little
more complex than this, but at least you'll get the idea... ;-)

BTW, if you came as a guest with Arachne, Yahoo! WebRing's login
page at the link "Join the Ring" (see URLs at my sig below) will
redirect you to a wrong URL *after* login.  Arachne will get a
single character added to the target URL (i.e. "http:<blah>dosnet"
will become "http:<blah>dosneti").  Is this Yahoo!'s fault or just
another Arachne bug?  As usual, both IE and Netscape has no such

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