On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 11:34:13 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:
>On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 10:52:45 +0000, arachne4dos
>> www.ecosse.net works like hotmail and takes arachne no problems.
>> also a rather small site, so you might be able to get
>> just as I managed to get [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is rather a nice
>> address (weel I think it is anyway!GRIN!)
>Does www.ecosse.net also work with an email client program?
>Does it work only for web-based access?
>One of the many disadvantages of the hotmail site is that it
>works only for web-based access.  You can't access your
>hotmail with an email client program.  The hotmail site won't
>work at all unless you have a special browser especially
>approved or condoned by MicroSoft.
>The free web-based mail services offered by
>http://www.operamail.com and http://www.subdimension.com both
>work with Arachne, but you might need a Windows browser to
>complete the initial sign-up process.  Another advantage of these
>sites is that they will both work also with an email client
>program, even with a DOS-based client program.
>I do not understand why hotmail is such a popular free
>web-based email site.  There are many other free web-based
>email sites which are so very obviously far superior to the
>hotmail site.  When I tell hotmail users about the superiority
>of alternative web-based email sites they won't take my advice
>and switch to a better service.
>Sam Heywood
>-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser -

Hi Sam,

yes, you can do "normal" pop3 and smtp or webmail, plus you can get 
up to 50Mb free webspace 


type of address I believe. Useful for sort of Community based 



PS It's nominally Scottish, well it would be with ecosse.net in the 
handle, but I think it's based in someplace like Israel - -or Outer 
Betelgeuse - - or someplace?.

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