On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 18:51:14 -0400, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

>> Yahoo email is incompatible with Arachne or any other DOS-based
>> browser unless you know how to resort to the hassle of a very
>> complicated work-around.  There have recently been some discussions
>> on this list about all the problems and incompatibilities with
>> Yahoo email.

> I have created an easier "work-around" for logins at Yahoo.

> Grab this file.
> http://www.angelfire.com/id/glenndoom/yahoo_login.htm

> Save it somewhere on your HDD and and place a
> link to it in your Arachne hotlist.

> No more hassles. :)))

It looks like a hassle-free login page.  The problem is how to
sign up for a Yahoo ID by using Arachne.  I tried several times
in the past and was unsuccessful in trying to sign up for a Yahoo
ID.  Maybe I could get a Yahoo ID if I used a Windows browser.
BTW, don't bother to reply by describing a work-around for me.
I am no longer interested in doing any Yahoo stuff after having
heard so much disgusting news about their spamming and porn
sponsorship and hosting.

Sam Heywood
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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