On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 18:20:48 +0100, Joerg Dietze wrote:

> Hi folks,

> I just uploaded to http://djvomght.bei.t-online.de/PDF2HTM.ZIP a new version of

> Whats new:
> - bugfix: PDF files containing only 1 page were displayed with this page
> twice.
> - English documentation updated

> Plans for the future (if anyone is interested :-)):
> - Adding a print function via GS
> - Adding a archive function via PKZIP or similiar packing prog

> Regards Joerg
> -- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

Hi Joerg,
I found a small bug in the new version of PDF2HTM. I cann't return out
of the displayed .bmp image.
Not by the arrow pointing to the left or by "Esc" = go back to previous

BTW: IMHO the frame with the pagenumbers can better be placed at the top
of the page... or at the bottom next to "NEXT".

Is it possible to make a ps or pdf from a bmp?
I always thought the PS printing in Arachne would print images too but
when I covert the PS output to pdf with gostscript only text is in the

Regards, Bastiaan

Technische Redactie CQ-PA
Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ
Attentie: e-mail adres bij Wanadoo niet meer gebruiken!


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