On Sun, Oct 07, 2007 at 06:34:41AM -0500, Simo Leone wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 07, 2007 at 12:42:48PM +0200, solsTiCe d'Hiver wrote:
> > hi, guys,
> > some of you might remember an email i sent the 30th of july 
> > http://archlinux.org/pipermail/arch/2007-July/015102.html
> > when i lost my internet connexion because some guy updated the libpcap 
> > package 
> > but not the ppp package before some day. 
> > 
> > and guess what .... they did it ... AGAIN ! 
> > 
> > so i said it politly the other time.
> > this time i am angry and irritated
> > 
> > UPDATE the fucking PPP PACKAGE the same DAY than the fucking libpcap 
> > 
> I feel your rage. I really hate it when free things don't happen exactly
> as I expect them to. Things I don't contribute to and things I don't pay
> for should still work exactly like I want them to. I see where you're
> coming from. I know the hundreds of hours I've put into this project
> were all to satify a bunch of people that can't read output and learn
> from experience.
> However, as I think a few people pointed out, it's good to actually read
> what you're going to install before you do it. I mean, pacman always
> asks for a confirmation before it goes ahead. In effect, you must have
> looked at it and said "looks good!" in order to say yes. Who knows why
> you did that, perhaps you can't read or perhaps you were so enraged last
> time that you forgot about it this time (lolwut?).
> Hmmm...speaking of installing things before reading what you're about to
> install... http://archlinux.org/about/ ... "Arch Linux is a workhorse
> distribution designed to fit the needs of the competent linux user."
> Whoops, I guess you haven't been reading before doing all along.
> Competence Shmompetence.

I might add that I don't deny this was a mistake, I just don't like your
attitude. Just figured I'd better be explicit about that. 

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