"Alison Dalgity" <adalg...@getty.edu> writes:
>Thanks Karl. We were discussing this very issue yesterday. The
>advantage (we had hoped) of linking directly to Leanpub is that
>everyone will get the latest and greatest. Farallon has been regularly
>updating the installation guide as they find (or create) easier paths
>to installation (there's a lot of work going on to that end right now,
>which is something that I know many will appreciate ;-) !!!
>We can, in the meantime, simply create new pdfs and post them on
>archesproject.org on a regular basis.
>However, it would be great if someone knows of a more efficient, less
>labor-intensive process, ideally without having to re-format the 2
>guides for a different publishing platform????

Well, no reformatting should be necessary -- someone just has to copy
the PDFs to the appropriate location at ArchesProject.org each time
they're updated.  The PDFs would simply be exactly the ones obtained
from LeanPub.

But it's hard for me to believe that LeanPub doesn't offer some kind of
"publish to the world" option.  The ideal would be to link directly to
the latest and greatest at all times, absolutely, and one would think
LeanPub would offer that... Can someone from Farallon check the
settings?  Maybe it's just a matter of tweaking the right knob there.


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