Hi All,
I'm experiencing a phenomena that I've seen before, but can't quite remember the cause...and I'm not sure I ever in fact knew what it was in the first place. We are sending items via Ariel to other Ariel IP addresses and upon sending the item (or ending the scan session) the send queue cycles through as if it were being triggered, however, the document I have scanned does not appear in the send queue and the # of documents in the send queue doesn't increase, so it seems that the documents which have been scanned are basically vaporizing. I thought I had seen this happen in the past when the queue was full, but there are only 67 documents currently in there.
Does anyone know what might be happening?
I tried sending a document to our own IP address, but nothing showed up in our delivery...as well as our send queue.
Thanks...in anticipation!

Josh Alper, U.C. Santa Cruz
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