On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 10:59 AM, John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> Actually, the terms regarding indemnification and warrant disclaimer are
> identical to that contained in the other RIR's RPKI agreements; are those
> problematic, or is the difficultly that principally that ARIN agreeing to
> terms explicit rather than implicit?

Hi John,

I've seen a lot of hand waving, but I still have no clue how the
publication of RPKI data places ARIN at a different risk than publication
of registration data via whois.  I think if we could better understand
that, we'd be better able to advise you.

Do we beat down your door and insist you freely publish the data? Do we
pursue the creation of some new organization to manage RPKI, one with
intentionally shallow pockets, and ask ARIN to cede the function? Something
else? I think we all need a better understanding of the legal issue before
we can zero in on what might work.

For sure ARIN's current solution, a contract few will sign, is

>  APNIC "CA Terms and Conditions" states "The recipient of any digital
> certificates issued by the APNIC CA service will indemnify APNIC
> against any and all claims by third parties for damages of any kind
> arising from the use of that certificate."
>  How they go
>  about obtaining the TAL doesn't change the indemnification
>  asserted by APNIC.

If we all ran to the lawyers every time someone "asserted" yet another bit
of unenforceable gobbledygook, no one would ever do anything at all. That's
worlds away from explicitly signing an agreement. If asserting a terms of
use in this manner will allow ARIN to "safely" publish the relying party
data to anonymous recipients then by all means, let's do it and get it done.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin ................ her...@dirtside.com  b...@herrin.us
Owner, Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <http://www.dirtside.com/>
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