I think it's important to remember Ron also said this :)

> Lkcl is not my enemy. He does not snide. You do not
> doubt lkcl goes a long way to achieve his goal. You
> know he will not skip his principles. On
> communicating however.

Most everything else seemed like venting misunderstanding.
Well articulated, though!

This falls pretty religiously under trademark law.
However, in this case; the case of a certification mark, that
trademark law is more strict than copyright because there is no fair
use and hobby projects will count as commercial use of the term in
most jurisdictions.

Not using the word EOMA68 and covering up the mark on any pictures, is
pretty important if we don't want to give geo-restrictions a reason to
exist. And, I'm sure Luke doesn't.


Can we all just be civil though?
I feel like I've explained this all well enough, is there really
anyone who can still disagree this is the correct course of action?

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