Gustavo Lacerda:
>You would think that smart employers would know to rate a B+ student
from a tough-grading school more favorably than an A- student from an
easy-grading school. But there are too many schools, and most employers
aren't using a national database of with statistics about each school.
Grade inflation ignorance can also be seen in the several organizations
which equate GPAs across schools and majors, by for example setting
minimum required GPAs to apply.

This is a powerful argument for the old school tie.  Graduates of, say,
the pharmacy school at the University of Texas at Austin have, and can
easily update and refine, a good sense of just what a B+ from _that_
school means.


Michael E. Etchison
Texas Wholesale Power Report
MLE Consulting
1423 Jackson Road
Kerrville, TX 78028
830) 895-4005

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