These are very interesting questions!  This would clearly affect the 
decision to have children in one of two ways (that I can think of):
1.  Couples would have fewer children if they had to purchase a share 
for each child they had.
2.  Couples would have more children if they were granted a share for 
each child they had.

I'm sure there are many more consequences, though.

>Imagine that a nation like the US were run like a corporation.  To 
>live (and vote) here, you'd have to own a share.  You could sell 
>your share and leave, and foreigners could come if they bought a 
>share.  The corporate management would be given financial incentives 
>to maximize the market value of these shares.  They could issue more 
>shares if these new shares were handed out to previous share holders 
>in proportion to the shares they currently hold.
>What would go wrong or right with running the US this way?  Would 
>management focus too much on making immigrants happy, versus people 
>already here who are reluctant to leave?  Would there be too many or 
>two few people here?  Would government spending increase or 
>decrease?  Would we get less desirable immigrants, relative to 
>picking and choosing among applicants?  Would the homeless prefer to 
>cash out and leave, rather than stay and beg here?  Would people 
>tend to leave when they retire?
>Robin Hanson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Asst. Prof. Economics, George Mason University
>MSN 1D3, Carow Hall, Fairfax VA 22030-4444
>703-993-2326  FAX: 703-993-2323

John A. Viator, Ph.D.
Beckman Laser Institute
1002 Health Sciences Road East
University of California
Irvine, CA  92612
(949)824-6969 fax

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