--- Robin Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Imagine that a nation like the US were run like a corporation.  To live 
> (and vote) here, you'd have to own a share.  You could sell your share and 
> leave, and foreigners could come if they bought a share.  The corporate 
> management would be given financial incentives to maximize the market value

If you own "a" share, that implies that this is a cooperative, where each
person owns one share and has one vote.

> What would go wrong or right with running the US this way?  

The problem is central planning.  The US corporation would be a giant
enterprise subject to the inefficiencies of any large organization.
Also, minority interests would be overpowered as they are now.

> Would government spending increase or decrease? 

If the members vote as citizens do now, it seems to me that the government
would be under similar special-interest influence, and there would be little
change in government spending.

Fred Foldvary


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