-- George Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"I found the article in the Economist, March 31, 2001,
pp. 20-22 stressing the relationship of  poverty and
lack of property rights (a short but neat summary of
De Soto's thesis in his new book The Mystery of
Capital) to be very useful. Good luck."

I always get a kick out of the reader reviews at
Amazon.com--always sort by lowest rating first. 
Here's my favorite of De Soto's book:

""The Mystery of Capital:Why Capitalism Trumphs in the
West and Fails Everywhere Else," by Hernando De Soto.
is a crock of... [he]argues the point, "The missing
ingredient for success with capitalism is ASSET
MANAGEMENT. Get real...asset mamagement is only one of
the many needed ingredients to trumph like the West!
Hello!!! "

Interestingly, even though the book is a "crock of..."
it still gets two stars!  Can you imagine the book
that gets one star?

BTW, the person who called De Soto's book an
"intellectual swindle" gave it three stars.

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