IMHO, this group (GOPS pl consider) should allow discussions on non-
ARR music, as long as it is not critical or negative of other MDs. 
There are many discussions on movies here like Sivaji and Rajni that 
is essentially non-ARR. Also, I basically use this group to know 
about recent releases of quality Bollywood music. So why not expand?

--- In, "Sribalaji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Please friends, stop the thread. I am watching patiently for a long
> time. Now-a-days our fellow rahmaniacs are not focussing more about
> something fresh and blossoming features of ARR's music.
> Often some one makes a critic or just a opinion which will be 
> interpreted as critic, and there starts threading mails.
> Friends, we assembled here to enjoy, explore, discuss and share the
> music of the musical midas. 
> If any mail comes as a critic to ARR and/or his music, just forgive
> them and suggest them that this is not the right place for their 
> Lots and lots of exploration is required to comment on any 
> composition. So please don't make any critic on any musician and
> especially in this forum about ARR.
> Thanks!!!
> sribalaji - musical mad of the musical genius

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