xactly aarthi....wat u said is aboslutely correct....being fanatics of arr we 
shud be able to analyze what our magician is doinn.....he doesn't give the same 
flavour all the time...tat's the difference between arr n other music 
directors......u cant hear such folks as he has given us through this 

Siraj K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
Amazing, Aarthi. I was really bowled over on reading your views & advise.
 If everybody in this group follow this before giving reviews, we can get the 
exact feedback of the music.
 Early review givers, please read this and accept this.

 On 10/25/07, Aarthi aarthi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       
  Azhagiya Tamil Magan, don't want to put it as a much hyped album atleast not 
in our group I guess,bcos ppl know wat a vijay starring movie wud give us..May 
b bcos I dint expect anything,this album seems to b sooo good for me..But its 
really disheartening to c lots of negative reviews on this movie..hmmm I want 
to put in my thots on d so called reviews given by lots of ppl here.. 
 1.Why compare???
             Guys,v very well know ATM is a perfect commercial movie and u know 
Vijay comes as some Super hero who has this extra ordinary power of forseeing 
wat s gonna happen in future(don't know for how long directors r gonna stick to 
d same old stories,huh)After having such a story line,how can one expect to 
this album with roja,dilse kind a music huh plsss..ARR has perfectly done 
justice to his job by offering great foot tapping music..If u visit these vijay 
forums d music's reach is perfectly felt der..Der r still lots of places wer 
ppl don't even know if der existed a movie Uyire,for those ppl Rahman had to do 
some music and he has done with style..so plss before u compare,do it with 
stuff like God Father,parashuram,New no issues..For me ATM is d best commercial 
movie given by our Boss.. 
 2.No Remixes pls!!Not this director pls!!
             Utter nonsense!!ARR himself doesn't like remixes tat v know but 
wen d story requires it he has to do it..Tats wat is required of a MD wen u 
score a music for a movie..and god tat ponmagal song doesn't deserve to b 
criticized so much guys,pls give it some time...now comes d axe on d 
directors..d same set of ppl wer crying few yrs bak tat rahman is not doing 
music in tamil and now wen he does it he s being criticized..if u think 
maniratnam and shankar can alone bring d best out of our boss,v ll have to wait 
an entire year for one rahman album..Guys many ppl like me hardly understand 
hindi,for me an album by ARR in tamil is like a festival time..so pls I need 
Rahman to compose more of tamil songs for tat albums like ATM r a real answer 
 3.Early Reviews!!         
             One thing I hate in this forum is ppl queing up to give in der 
reviews as soon a album is released..Even b4 I cud grab a cd for myself I saw 
lots of reviews both positive ones and negative ones..many wud just go by wat u 
guys say and think its not even worth getting d cd..is this wat v r here 
for???If u dint like it wait give it some time and den start posting in ur 
views,plssss this is my very very sincere requestÂ… 
 4.Too much of analysation!!
             I don't know anything in music,don't know wat u guys r talking 
most of d time..But d fact tat v r all his fans is wat v r here for..my sincere 
advice to lots of music pundits here is don't analyse an album like ATM with 
all ur extraordinary skills in music,it ll surely b a letdown..just forget 
everything and enjoy and I am sure u ll love it immediately.. 
 5.D so called Reviews!!
             "the Rahman touch is missing"
             "todays is a sad day for rahman fans"
             "this reminds me of tat song"
 Guys pls give it a break..Its so disgusting wen someone in d name of a fan 
questions Rahman's capabilities..If u dint like it put it in a way tat doesn't 
hurt fans like me ok..say u feel it s like tat and not general statements like 
d above ones.. 
 6.My take on ATM!!
             Finally,for me ATM is just a fabulous album..its bin quite 
sometime tat I ve liked an entire album but ATM has made me feel it..Its like 
yuvi 6 sixers for me..wow valayapathi,merlin menroa,ella pugazhum just bowled 
me over..According to me this album is well above Godfather and can equally 
place it near shivaji.. 
             We all know RahulDravid is a technically brilliant batsman, 
occasionally he plays a dhoni kind of innings according to d NEED OF D 
HOUR,does tat by any way question Dravid's technical brilliance??its very 
similar with our boss too..V know his brilliance,occasionally movies like this 
shows our boss' versatility..so plsssssss don't make absurd remarks based on ur 
opinions in public forums like this..Enjoy ATM guys and lets keep waiting for 
Jodha akbar.. 






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