No issues at all brothers..... Hope so, I can give Ipods.

A big cheers to Amith.. He is so creative always..... :-) Am very happy
reading this... BIG LOL... Very refreshing are these mails.

Keep it going...

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Amith Chandhran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   Some more....
> *Gopal - *Exclusive - Per Vijay, the site is being uploaded with the all
> the songs & videos from AR's new film 'sugar cube'. For Airtel users,
> download is free. All other users will have to pay 10 rupees per video.
> Music of the film releases on itunes next week and all other sites 2 weeks
> after that. Album sleeve download is chargeable to all users. Those wanting
> to book CDs, kindly SMS BUYCD to 588888 (Note: your CD will be manufactured
> by the music company only after confirmation of payment from your bank.)
> *Swapnil* - Inviting all Bombay fans for a jam session at my place. This
> Sunday 6 pm onwards. 5 members have already confirmed they are coming. Note
> my address and number..... just 5 minutes from Andheri station........ ;-)
> *Random Fan 1* - Dear Freeends, yestrday im going to airport and there i
> seeing god..i m not believing my eye and rubbing again and again before i
> finish rubbing and open my eye, god vanish. but im happy i see god atleast
> for a 10 second.
> *Random Fan 2* - Dear brother, you are extreemly lucky to be seeing our
> god. even i go to airport everyday and pray but not see our god. im sure
> someday i will.
> *Pavan* *Cumarr* - you guys are crazy. A R R himself has said that he does
> not like to be called God etc. Let us learn to love his music and not
> compare him with God. He is also human like us.
> *Random Fan 3* - Dear Gopal and Vijay, can you confirm with Boss that his
> son was at the Bangalore Shoppers Stop last Sunday?
> *Vithur *- Dear Brothers and Sisters, very happy to say that the free i
> pod distribution program went on very well this Sunday. Special thanks to
> Kunal (dear humble brother from Orkut) who could also make it. In fact
> initially we could not find people without i pods in their hands and ears
> but when we drove towards Arakkonam, we spotted a village where people were
> still listening to CDs. These people were really happy to get the i pods. In
> fact we even demonstrated how to burn their old CDs onto the ipods. Let us
> all aim to give the 2 GB ones next time. HELP EVER; HURT NEVER; LOVE ALL;
> *Gomzy's daughter *- Machaks, machaks, machaks!!!! Lets talk of something
> else now... For last 10 years you are all replying to the same thread
> started by my daddy! ;-)
> -
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Amith Chandhran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> :-)
>> 6. Lifetime achievement award No. 100. Interviewer- How do you feel to get
>> so many LTA awards?
>> 7. A group member - Swapnil, please think of writing reviews. Your last
>> was Meenaxi!
>> 8. AR sings his 478th song in Hindi! ;-)
>> 9. Prime minister announces 'Indian Govt to preserve all 24 bit original
>> recordings of AR.'
>> 10. AR fans build 'AR Fans Housing Society' near Kodambakkam! (Only
>> members with Tshirts allowed)
>> 11. Fans force their children to join this group!
>> 12. Gopal gets 100 assistants to read and approve emails!
>> -
>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 2:42 PM, Gomzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>    Yahoo group 10 years from now
>>> 1) ARR wins his second oscar!
>>> 2) Some random fan- ARR should do more hindi films.He is not giving out
>>> good melodies anymore.
>>>    He is doing way too many english movies.
>>> 3) Gopal - Blogger Review no 563
>>> 4) Moronic Fan - ARR directly lifts an old tune!
>>> 5) Vithur- Its not Rehman. Its Rahman. ARR himself confirmed this to us.
>>> :)
>>> Add on !



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