Hehehe!! Amtyaa, sahi re!!! Last 3 are hilarious!! 

--- On Fri, 27/6/08, Amith Chandhran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Amith Chandhran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ARR] Yahoo Group 10 years from now
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, 27 June, 2008, 9:18 AM

            Some more....

Gopal - Exclusive - Per Vijay, the site is being uploaded with the all the 
songs & videos from AR's new film 'sugar cube'. For Airtel users, download is 
free. All other users will have to pay 10 rupees per video. Music of the film 
releases on itunes next week and all other sites 2 weeks after that. Album 
sleeve download is chargeable to all users. Those wanting to book CDs, kindly 
SMS BUYCD to 588888 (Note: your CD will be manufactured by the music company 
only after confirmation of payment from your bank.)

Swapnil - Inviting all Bombay fans for a jam session at my place. This Sunday 6 
pm onwards. 5 members have already confirmed they are coming. Note my address 
and number..... just 5 minutes from Andheri station..... ... ;-)

Random Fan 1 - Dear Freeends, yestrday im going to airport and there i seeing 
god..i m not believing my eye and rubbing again and again before i finish 
rubbing and open my eye, god vanish. but im happy i see god atleast for a 10 

Random Fan 2 - Dear brother, you are extreemly lucky to be seeing our god. even 
i go to airport everyday and pray but not see our god. im sure someday i will.

Pavan Cumarr - you guys are crazy. A R R himself has said
that he does not like to be called God etc. Let us learn to love his
music and not compare him with God. He is also human like us.

Random Fan 3 - Dear Gopal and Vijay, can you confirm with Boss that his son was 
at the Bangalore Shoppers Stop last Sunday?

Vithur - Dear Brothers and Sisters, very happy to say that the free i pod 
distribution program went on very well this Sunday. Special thanks to Kunal 
(dear humble brother from Orkut) who could also make it. In fact initially we 
could not find people without i pods in their hands and ears but when we drove 
towards Arakkonam, we spotted a village where people were still listening to 
CDs. These people were really happy to get the i pods. In fact we even 
demonstrated how to burn their old CDs onto the ipods. Let us all aim to give 
the 2 GB ones next time. HELP EVER; HURT NEVER; LOVE ALL; SERVE ALL!

Gomzy's daughter - Machaks, machaks, machaks!!!! Lets talk of something else 
now... For last 10 years you are all replying to the same thread started by my 
daddy! ;-)



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