On 11/15/2008 6:11 PM India Time, _Chord_ wrote:

> Don't count on it.  Latest I heard is that it's releasing on the 23rd.
>  Go to Orkut Rahman group and that's what people are hearing from T
> series. This seems to be happening with every Rahman release now,
> almost like a tradition.
> People will be waiting for the 23rd, then oops, the day before, 
> someone will announce that it's releasing on Dec 1.....remember Jodha
> Akbar guys?

I think we should not beat music companies unnecessarily.

There is not a single official word till now about release date. We keep 
on getting some date from any unreliable source, and then we feel bad 
when it comes out false.

It's ok. It happens. Ghajini the movie's release itself had been 
postponed a few times, Aamir has now asked further reshoot. There are a 
lot of things in making and releasing movie/ music. Anything might be 
delaying it.

it is good that they are not going ahead releasing imperfect thing.

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