I think the answer is in the interview itself where Sonu says he had 
recorded the song first with dummy lyrics and later when the actual 
song was to be recorded, he wasnt available. As a matter of showing 
respect to him, ARR retained the original humming of Sonu!

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, V S Rawat <vsra...@...> wrote:
> On 12/27/2008 12:47 PM India Time, _rivjot_ wrote:
> > Video link to Sonu Nigam's interview -
> > 
> > 
> > He says he got more applause from audience for his humming in 
> > than he usually gets for a normal song. 
> > 
> I think those audience are saying that just to keep his morals 
> Multitude of Indians might not even recognize that it is Sonu's 
> I wonder why ARR used the humming by someone else? Can't that 
> (Javen Ali?) humm?
> --
> Rawat

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