On 8/29/2009 3:14 AM India Time, _taimur.nadeem_ wrote:

> hi everyone,
>              yes rang de basanti was a
>  below average track. 
> that album is the biggest culprit and solely responsible of all mediocre 
> stuff that A RRAHMAN is producing these days . and i say it loud that RDB 
> album changed A R RAHMAN style of composing
> in hindi films. 
>           since then he makes below average songs . but problem is that they 
> become hit . these days his songs have a life not more then 1 week. simple as 
> that.
> taimur

below average track! biggest culprit! all mediocre stuff! RDB?????

After reading your this mail, I will never dislike anything you might 
say in future ever.

Would you like to share which ARR songs you like?


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