That's cool Chord! I couldn't resist commenting since I saw that you listed 
Desplat. The dude has an excellent bunch of scores he did in France for the 
last 15 years or so. Here's a quick sampler. Discovering his early work is much 
like discovering ARR's music when it all began in the 90s-- a succession of one 
fabulous work after another. I hope he doesn't burn out because he's today's 
composer du jour, doing 7 or 8 movies this year.

From: ichord <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 4:38:39 PM
Subject: [arr] ARR - The Center of My Musical Gravity

I try to listen to as many artists as I possibly can....from India, all the MDs 
works that sound interesting, classical and semi classical artists, fusion 
artists, etc.  From the West, I'm a big fan of 80s pop, classic rock from the 
70s and 80s (Rush, Pink Floyd, Boston); also love techno and trance (Pet Shop 
Boys).  Also like to listen to Western classical music, since that is my 
musical background, playing the piano having taken Western classical music 
lessons as a child.  Also love some hollywood soundtracks (recent example, 
Curious Case of Benjamin Button by Alexandre Desplat HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!)


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